kcal to kJ conversion

With the tool on the page, you can automatically translate between kcal and kJ from weight measurements. The conversion process you will make works automatically based on the kcal kj conversion formula. To perform the conversion, simply enter the value you want in the box below and press the “Convert” button. The result will appear immediately below.

kcal to kJ conversion

  • Energy in calories
  • Calorie Unit Type
  • Conversion result
  • J

How to convert from kcal to kJ

Things to consider when choosing a calorie unit type:

  • Small calorie (cal) is the energy required to raise 1 gram of water by 1°C at 1 atmosphere of pressure.
  • Large calorie (Cal) is the energy required to raise 1 kg of water at 1 atmosphere pressure by 1°C.
  • Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.

Thermochemical / food kilocalorie – kilojoule

1 kcalth = 4.184 kJ

International kilocalories – kilojoules

1 kcalIT = 4.1868 kJ

How many kilojoules in 15 ° C kilocalories

1 kcal15 = 4.1855 kJ

kcal to kJ conversion formula

Energy in kilojoules E (kJ) is equal to 4.184 times the energy of thermochemical / food kilocalories E(kcal):

E(kJ) = 4.184 × E(kcal-th)

Energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1868 times the energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT):

E(kJ) = 4.1868 × E(kcal-IT)

Energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1855 times the energy in kilocalories E(kcal15) at 15° C:

E(kJ) = 4.1855 × E(kcal15)


Converting 0.3 kcalth to kilojoules:

E(kJ) = 4.184 × 0.3 kcalth = 1.2552 kJ

Converting 0.3 kcalIT to kilojoules:

E(kJ) = 4.1868 × 0.3 kcalIT = 1.25604 kJ

Converting 0.3 kcal15 to kilojoules:

E(kJ) = 4.1855 × 0.3 kcal15 = 1.25565 kJ

Other unit conversion tools