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What foods irritate the pancreas

Pancreatic cancer is one of the scariest for doctors. The reason is that it usually does not give symptoms, until it is in an advanced stage. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose in its earliest stages, the most common being that when symptoms appear it is already quite...


How to know if you are pregnant without a test

Although during the first days it is difficult to know if you are pregnant or not until the egg has been implanted in the uterus, it can happen, in some women, that after 10 or 15 days you can begin to notice some changes, you just have to 'listen' to your body. Women who are wanting to get...


How to treat acne caused by sweat?

Why do pimples appear due to sweat and how can we avoid them? It is a mild condition called miliaria and usually goes away on its own. If you notice that in these extremely hot days like the ones we are experiencing, in which you sweat more than usual due to the high temperatures, pimples appear...


What causes brown discharge during pregnancy?

It can appear in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the rupture of a vessel during the implantation of the embryo. Although in some cases it is not very important, in others it can lead to an abortion.


Should I worry, if my baby’s poop is green?

Being aware of the color of the stools is important, but it doesn't always mean a serious health problem. We explain in which cases you should consult your pediatrician immediately.

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